I find it hard to believe that we only have two more sleeps until we lace up our sneakers and walk to end MS. These weeks have passed at lightning speed; almost as fast as the twenty-five years since my first child was born.
I’m pumped. While I’ve spent many years behind the scenes at the annual MS walks – helping in registration, setting up, and meeting and cheering the hundreds of walkers – I haven’t walked ten kilometres in close to a decade. My MS has progressed, marching along with the passing years. My mind – the doubting Thomas part – wonders if I’ll make it. It wonders if the MS will win and stop me mid-stride.
Of course, the optimist in me knows otherwise. It knows I will succeed. I will overcome any obstacles MS may throw in my path along the route in Sunnybrook Park. Whether it’s fatigue, unsteadiness, vertigo, numbness, or an assortment of other gloomy MS symptoms, nothing can compete against the resolve of the human spirit.
And I’m resolved – to take that first step, and the second, and the fifty thousandth; as many as it takes. I will overcome. I will persevere. I will walk past that Finish sign with my heart held high.
And if I don’t? The doubting Thomas will try to hand me an ‘I told you so.’ But the optimist in me will win yet again. I will congratulate myself for trying...for walking as far as my body would allow me...for raising money to fund vital MS research...
...for research that will put an end to MS.
And when that wonderful day comes, we will walk and run again! Ten kilometres will be a walk in the park and a romp on the beach.
We will win the fight against MS.
It’s time to walk and roll!